Sida:Svenska medeltidens bibel-arbeten (1853).djvu/427

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MCUOBKIIt BVANOeUUM. KAP. XXIlt* 409 ^n nw rfr os ey meer lowat oppimbara idhcr gud^ l0nlik thJDg före thy at michael archangelus forbiw- dbande fagde os Gaan mj idhrom br^dhrom til iheru- salem oc fkulin loffwa. oc a^ra ihefu christi opflandilfe* huilkin idher oprefle afF d0dha. m^ fik/ oc ialin mj 5. tfngom månne vtan fkulin wara ſwa fom dumba alt til the flund. at war b^rra loffwar idhir figbia fiin l^nlik thing Oc b0db os michael arcbangelus at faPr-* dhas til alla ba^t^fla ftsPdher widb iordans flodb Hwar margbe waro fora mj os oppftodbo. til witbnifbyrdb 10. s. 73. ihesu chri8t opflandilfe Thy at enaft thre dagha war os loiFwat at h0gbtidelica g0ra gud^ pafch^ j ihertisa- lem m^ warom fora^ldrom Oc nw arom wi d0pte j. iordans flödh takande ther bwar ware fkinande kltf- dbe, Oc epter the thre daghana j bwilkom wi hiol- 15. lom pafcba. waro alle opiakne j flcyyn fom opftodbo mj os oc fidban wordbo the afF rfngom meer fedde. Kn os war fakt aff micbaele arcbang^lo ath wi ^uU lom fXadhlica fta a b0nom j arimathia fladb. Ta^fjfe a^re the ordb ther herra gudb b0dh os figbia idher 60rin 20. thy honum loff oc widherka^nnelfe. oc taken anger och fcrifft ther til at han idher mifkunne Fridber wari idher aff warom ber ra ibe^u christo aldra wara he- lära. Amen H Sidhan the haffdo alt fulkomplica fcriwat bwar 25. thera j fino breffwe. flodho the op. ^n karintie ant- wardade fit breff fbm han haffde fcr«wat j anne ba>n- der oc cayphe och gamalielis Samuledh oc lenucius fik tb^ han haffdhe fbnffuat j nicbodemi ha^nder oc iofeps. Oc iafmbratb omfkiptos the oc fyntos mykit 30. |t(inande Sidhan fyntos the them ey meer An thera fcrtfft funnos ſwa lika. at ey en flaffwer war meer