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upptäckten av akromatismen

Paper should find it not to deserve their attention or a place in the Transactions, or that Mr. Dollond has given already all it contains, as he pretends, or any part of it, or that Mr. Dollond has any other title to it, that so have given occasion of my applying my thought, that way, or that I have not done justice to Mr. Dollond in every respect in that very Paper, I consent that it may be rejected as a Performance of no Value.

Lastly as I have found in reading over my Paper again, that there is something amist in it, which however affects not the Conclusions, who are all right; therfore I desire that it may not be published in the Transactions before I have corrected that oversight. It consist in this, that I saw not at the time I was writing, that there are certain single Spherical Linses, wich in certain positions of ther conjugate focuses, cause no aberration at all.

Pray, Sir, excuse the liberty I have taken of troubling you, and the faults of Language, wherof I am sensible there must be a great many committed in my Letters. — I am with great Estime Reverend Sir your most humble and most obedient Servant.

S. Klingenstierna.

Klingenstierna till Dollond.

Stockholm 30 maj 1761.

To Mr. Dollond.

Mr. Bergman, M. A. at Upsal, has communicated to me a part of a Letter from Mr. B. Wilson to himself (23 March 1761) wich I shall transcribe here, because it concerne you and myself.

(Följer så avskrift av Wilsons brev.)

As this part of the letter has been written and communicated to me at your desire, Sir, and contains nothing but your pretentions, I can not but regard it as your own. And