172 JUDITHS BOK KAP. XV. ^ na/ owir fla^tta marker ſwa atb engbin folde ailer |1(0tie them andra/ An ifraels f0ner feandis them vn- danDy drogbo a^ptir them m^ flört |1crij oc roop |1[0- ta/idis j tliera bafwner oc Iwdhom An r0re thy at 5. AlJirij the flyddo oc aatfkilde/ a*n ifraeis f0ner a^fl- ib^rf0lgdo alle tilbopa vth tr0ttho the alla |bm the kw/ino i/ina/ oc nidberflogo Snart giorde o^ias budb owir alla fta^dher oc all rike j ifrael/ oc aff hwariom fladb oc rike vth b0db alla vnga/ oc wth walda vs^p- . nära a^ptir them oc alt om kul flogho/jn til th^ yther- fla raamerke oc land^ fta'dher Mn the jwdei fbm j ga^n waro j betulia gingo jn j hedni/zga/ina bolfla^dher Oc alla banda haafTwor oc rikedoma fbm af^irij haffdho atir lefft f1(0fnado oc fl(i(Tto flin j ma^llan/ Swa the . fbm hem kommo m^ figher oc a^ro/ r0rdbo m^ |1gh otaliga haafTwor ſwa ath enkte tall war pa then bo- fkap. 0rf]r/ btffla Camela/ oc phiila harnifl(/ gull filff- wi>. alla banda my/it oc pa^ni/iga/ aff hulko ſwa wa^l then minijfie fom then rfdlafte oc rfifTte/ wordo ympne- . liga rike: Jrfmwrfl joachym h0gxfte preftin aff ihera- Sp. 770. salem kom til betuliam m^ alla fyna prefte At the måtto faa fee the ba^lga frwna jwdit/ a^n tha bon vt- gik moot hono/71. wa^iflgnadho the he/ine alle m^ e/ine r0fl oc fagdo Thu a^fH ifraels endha gla^dbi tha aft . vaaro folke ft0rf1ta hedher/ thy giordhe thii ma/iligha/ at gudh fladfa^fle tith hia^rta/ thy at thu a^lfliade ren- lekin/ oc a^ptir tbin a^kte ma/i ey wifle aff naghrom androm/ bwar f0re fltadfa^fle tik gud; handb Oc tha bliffwir va^ifignadh tfwerdeliga H Tha ſwarade aller . almoghen Fiat fiat amen Amen J xxx dagha ther a^p- tir/ kw/ino the na^pliga vpf0kia Oc fiin j ma^lla/i ftciffta/ alla the haaffwor fom afjirij atirleffdo/ a^n alt
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