Sida:Svenska medeltidens bibel-arbeten (1853).djvu/299

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MACBABBERNE II. KAP. 1^ II. 283 watnet Neemias oc the m^ honom waaro.. renfadho oo wigdho offret ^n konu/igen aktandis aat thy fom htfnt war ob graniiga ranfa kändis giorde fik eth mf^nfter/ eller teroplur/t oc wille ſwa bepr0ffwa th^ fom ha^nt war Tha ha/» fan ſwa wara begaffwade han preftena 5. m^ floykio godho/ oc nw ena handha oc nw andra hända gaffwor fkipte them j ma^llan fisflBwir m^ finom Sp.oii. handom Th^ rwmeth na^mpde neemias oc kallade neph- tar fom a^r renfilfe. a^n tha at fomtige kalla th^ rw- met nephi iO. Capitulum 2"» JNaenitor autem 2c Th? find^ j iheremie vtiydilfe at ha/I b0dh the/it fom bortf0rde m^ fik eldtn oc han gaff them lagb at the ey fkuido gl0ma gud^ budhordfa Oc at the ey fkulto^ willas j theris hugoi/i. feandis 15T hedoi/iga/ina affgad aff gul I oc filffw<r oc theris pry- dilfe oc a/inat tolkii them f0rwarandis/ raddhe them at the ey fkullo aff la^ggia giid^ lagh aff theris hiat- tom H Th^ ftod oc j famma fcriffte/xne bara prophe* tin a^pter gud^ bud b0dh them m^ figh f0ra taberna<» 20. culum oc archam/ ther til han gik pa ba^rgit paa hwilkii moyfes oc vpfoor/ oc ther faa gad^ l0nliga a^ro. Ifin ieremias ther kommandes fan ther ena l0nliga ba^rgx fkrubbo. j hulko ha/t inlät tabernacuium oc ar* cam oc altarit po hulkit r0kilfet offradis/ the try thing 25. lat han ther jn oc atberlykte d0rena/ a^ naghre aff them fom f0lgdo honom gingo til oc vildo granliga ma^rkia rwmet Oc kw/ino th^ ey fi/ina. a^n jeremias tb^ f0re (landandis flraffadhe them oc fagdhe at th^ rwmet fkal l0nligit wara/ alt ther til godh atirkallar oc 30. fampnar alnioghans fkingra/i/ oc wardiier them mif'*