NICHODCm KVAMGBLIUIl. KAP. V, VI. S83 fom ftodh for^ pylato. oc fagde Jac haffde blodfoi itfmpn tolfT aar iamfkyt fom iac togh a mins herra ihe^a chrisii kiortelfald. ward iac heel aff orene bio* ^ins wthflytilfe. Sidhan komo fram före pylatam en floor fkare aff iwdhomen oc ropadho aff margfallom 5. dygdhom helfom oc la^kedon) fom ihe^us haffde tbem giort oc fagdo the/ ftoor prophe/a tfr herra ihesus Tha pylatu^ borde alt th^ta. fagde han iwdhomen Före hwij giordho ey idhre forftfdher oc idbra bifcopa tholka la^kedoma oc fiwka manna helfo Tha ſwarado 10. the rfnkte/ tha ropadho forne aff iwdomen til pyla- s. 45. tum Stort gudhlikit vnder giorde ihesus i tby at han opreefte la^arum fyra nätta dodhan. fweptan oc bund- nan j liikx kla'dhom wt aff gnptinne m^ finna ordha dygd oc prefenterade han finom fyflrom liwandts oc 15. ieet han fitia widh bonlb m^ fik. oc a^ta Th^ta borde pylatus. Tha togh han lij at rtfdhas mj florom ra»d- dogha oc opte m^ liwdhe roft til allan iwdha moghan. fighiande. Hwat a^r th^ta fom j farin nw m^ at j wi- lin ihestim vtan fak at drtfpa roeeniofan/ och idhan 20. wa^lgerningis man Tha ftod pylalus op aff fino ftfte. oc drogb ni- cbodemum offwer ena fidho m^ them tolff fom ey fagdo ihesum wara foddan j hoordom/ Oc fagde them Sighin mik hwat iac fcal göra/ ftoor tra^tta tfr j 25. moghanom The ſwarado oc fagdo. Wi witom ey hwat for tby a t wi famfa^llom os ey m^ them The fee fielffue till J hwat wadha the fa^tia fina fia'la. herra gudh han fcal döma them m^ finom ra*tta dom Tha wtfnde pylatti^ fik til jwdha almoghan fighiande J 30. within at ſwa afr idher fidhwtfnia. at om pafcha dagh tfrin j wane en fånga giffwa lofan/ Nw haffwir iac
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