390 NlCHODKVI RVANGKLItJV. KAP. IXy X. epter (Iculin j fe ath gudj wredhe kombir offwir idher oc idhra flackt ſwa fom j fielffwe faghden Tha iwdhane h0rdho ta'ffe ordh. tha ilt^fkadhos the my- kith j finom hugb. oc innelukte han j trangom mwr 5. a hwilkom a^nghin waro windoghin oc incighlado d0rena til mere wiffo. oc fatto wrfktara ther om Thcr epter gingo the til rad^ annas oc cayphas m^ preflo- men oc fankadho faroan alla menighetina epter tb^ra fabbatum ath the fkullo betha^nkia fik m^ hvvat d0dh . fom the fkullo dra^pa iofep. Tha the waro alle faman fankadhe. oppa en funnodagh. brutu the iocigle fra doromen. oc la*fto op dorna tha funno the ey iofep j morkaflofTwonne ther the haiFdo han innelaght ther vndradhe alle oppa. . " Tha komo riddarene fom hiollo wardh offwir herrans ihe^u graff gängande in j iwdha kirkiona oc fagdo oflwerlwt at ihe^us war ey j graffwinne ^n tha wi hona g^mpdoin wardh ftoor iordhdyn oc wi faghom gud^ a^ngel koma nidher aff himerike oc wd^lte . liikftenin a graffwinne oc fatte fik oppa han/ hans aafkodhan war fom folinna glimber hans kla^dher waro hwiit fom fnio oc afT hans rrfddogha wordhom wi ſwa fom d0dhe. Ok wi h0rdhom a'ngelin tala til qt^tn- norna, fom komo til graffwinne Ra^dhins ey iak weet . ath j lethin epter ihesu fom korffrffler war/ han rfr opflandhin ſwa fom han fagde. han rfr ey htfr komin oc f0kin ftadhin bwar the haffdho läkt han och gan- s. 53. g^ ^^ rafklica oc fighin hans difcipulis at han tfr opflandin aff d0dha. oc rfr for idher gangin in j ga- 30. lileam fom han them före fagdhe oc ther fkulin j han fe. Aff trffjom ordhom flygdhos iwdha h0ffdingiane. oc fagdo riddaromen Hwat liffwer äter ihesus ey tro
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